Publish and Share Templates

Once you create a template, you have the option to publish it. Publishing a template will add it to our template marketplace for other users to deploy.

Publishing a Template

After you create your template, simply click the publish button and fill out the form to publish your template.

Template publishing form

You can always publish your template by going to the Templates page in your Workspace settings and choose Publish next to the template you'd like to publish.

Sharing your Templates

After you create your template, you may want to share your work with the public and let others clone your project. You are provided with the Template URL where your template can be found and deployed.

Deploy on Railway Button

To complement your template, we also provide a Deploy on Railway button which you can include in your README or embed it into a website.

Example README with Deploy on Railway button The button is located at


To render the button in Markdown, copy the following code and replace the link with your desired template:

[![Deploy on Railway](](


To render the button in HTML, copy the following code and replace the link with your desired template:

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Deploy on Railway" /></a>


Here are some example templates from the template marketplace in button form:

NodeNodeDeploy on Railway
DenoDenoDeploy on Railway
BunBunDeploy on Railway
GinGinDeploy on Railway
FlaskFlaskDeploy on Railway

Kickback program

If your published template is deployed into other users' projects, you are immediately eligible for a 50% kickback, in the form of Railway credits. Refer to the template reference page for more information.

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